Confidential Divorce Mediator in Tampa
Dissolving Marriage Discreetly Through Mediation
Divorce is an intensely private matter. The last thing you want is for your financial information or the personal details of your divorce to become conversation fodder. Unfortunately, divorce hearings and many documents filed in conjunction with contested proceedings are public record.
The surest way to keep the details of your divorce confidential is to stay out of court. The pre-suit divorce mediation process is entirely private and also reduces much of the conflict and expense. Many high net worth couples choose mediated divorce to avoid divulging sensitive information about their income and assets.
Tampa attorney mediator Beth Reineke provides private pre-suit mediations to clients seeking a practical and confidential divorce. She is Certified by the Florida Supreme Court to conduct divorce and custody mediations.
St. Petersburg Confidential Divorce Mediation
If a contested divorce case is filed, both parties must file financial affidavits containing full financial disclosure. These documents are part of the public record, along with other personal disclosures or “dirty laundry” revealed in petitions, motions and at hearings.
A pre-suit mediated divorce allows you control over numerous aspects of divorce that you may wish to keep private and confidential:
- Incomes of each party
- Specific assets or investments
- The level of child support
- Terms of custody and parenting time
- Monetary settlements and alimony amounts
- The grounds for your divorce
- Personal information about the adults
- Personal information about your children
- Information about psychological counseling or psychiatric care
A mediated marital settlement agreement may include a divorce confidentiality agreement between the parties restricting the disclosure of private financial information and the terms of the parties’ mediated agreement. Ms. Reineke is a skilled mediator who can help you resolve complex disputes and iron out any remaining details, and then draft the agreements to the specs required by local family courts.