Divorce Mediation – No Court Divorce
|Not in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco Counties. Several Florida mediators claiming to be licensed attorneys are advertising NO COURT DIVORCE. Don’t be fooled. Check with the Florida Bar Association. Some of these attorneys are not licensed to practice law in Florida and some are not even located in Florida. As for their claims of “NO COURT DIVORCE”, even in uncontested divorces the parties’ agreements and accompanying court documents must be filed with the clerk of court; preferably in the state and county where the parties last resided together. Don’t let your mediator cut corners. You don’t want to be driving hours and hours to a faraway courthouse if you later have problems with your ex or need to modify your agreements. Additionally, in HILLSBOROUGH, PINELLAS and PASCO COUNTIES at least one of the parties must attend a short final hearing in front of a judge or general magistrate. If nothing else, the judge or magistrate must verify that the petitioning party has been a resident of the state of Florida for 6 months prior to the date of filing and that the parties' marriage is irretrievably broken. If you live in Florida and you are going to mediate your divorce, choose a family law mediator who is an experienced licensed Florida attorney who has actually practiced family law in Florida. Attorney/Mediator Beth Reineke has over 25+ years of experience. Her credentials are posted on her website – www.bethreineke.com.